Professor Mottola’s Driving MIND Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation, is offering a new model of training ––the Driving MIND System using Zone Control Strategies –– for all family members, structured to prevent pedestrian, bicyclist, passenger, and motorist crashes. This training begins with loving parents of children –– from 4 years old to teens –– who want their children to use the roadway system in an efficient, enjoyable, responsible, stress-free, safe, and courteous manner.

If a person is willing to be kind, considerate, and courteous to others the odds of being victimized by others’, wrongful actions, or by one’s own actions, are greatly decreased. Being courteous doesn’t come easily. It requires a well-defined system of awareness, which all family members are able to receive from the Driving MIND eCoach. Teens can begin to learn how to be courteous as a pedestrian and cultivate the strategies into habits while being a Co-Driver …before driving.

As Co-Drivers, teens can learn and practice at their own pace and gain positive experiences. They will earn the Zone Control Co-Driver Diploma from NIDB College, which certifies that the teen has learned hundreds of successful strategies for managing space. Parents can set this as a goal for teens to achieve before they begin to learn how to drive.

Most actions performed by users of the roadway system are taken by habits.  Professor Mottola’s Driving MIND System trains and coaches teens like they are athletes where they learn precise actions for “deliberate practice” to form into habits. Teens learn a Zone Control Strategy and are then required to practice practice, and practice using that strategy while being a Pedestrian, Passenger, or Co-Driver until the action takes place without thought by habit. The Principles of Zone Control provide the standards for “deliberate practice.” 

A part of the first Principle of Zone Control states:  “Search to your Target Area (A Zone); visualize your Path-Of-Travel (POT); evaluate its condition as “open” or “closed;” determine if the best approach speed is a “go” or a “slow” condition.”  This one principle provides a better standard for speed control than a speed limit sign. A speed limit sign only tells you how fast you can go. This Zone Control principle tells you when to go slow. 

Use this Driving MIND eCoach link from NIDB College to experience searching to the Target Area.

Targeting Slow/Go Practice

Searching to the Target Area is not only important for evaluating your Path-Of-Travel it also is used to detect and correct a skid situation.  Thirty or more percent of all crashes are off-road single-vehicle crashes that could be prevented if drivers used speed and vision correctly.  Take this challenge to develop the use of your central and fringe vision. Teens will get hundreds of challenges like this to develop their vision for car control skills.

On-Target Challenge

The objective of the Driving MIND System is to teach and coach teens on how to “manage space” before they begin to drive! Teens will learn the use of the Zone Control Principles by experiencing them. Teens will experience how to find and manage the “Critical Second” before a potential crash by “driving” the Brain Simulator.

Brain Simulator Sample Phase 1

Here’s a Challenge for licensed drivers. How many left turns have you performed during your driving career? Take this Challenge in the Skid Monster and explore the mental side of driving.

Intro to 10-Second test Skid Monster

After teens learn how to perform Zone Control Strategies while being a Co-Driver, which can take place in the front seat or the backseat of the vehicle, they practice precision turns in a parking lot. They learn how to turn their head to the target before turning the steering wheel and to accelerate at the transition peg. They acquire better car control skills before licensing than the skills of the majority of licensed adult drivers.

Download these Practice Cues 

Any member of the family –– from 4-year-olds to 94-year-olds –– can cultivate strategic habits to manage traffic situations in a responsible, efficient, enjoyable, stress-free, and crash-free manner. 

To experience more life-saving Zone Control Strategies, Professor Mottola’s Driving MIND Foundation is providing an introductory set of activities –– FREE OF CHARGE –– for Parents and Adult drivers. 

Create a free account. Click this link: Intro Driving MIND Training. Use this Enrollment Key: Family-24